
Actually I know I shouldn't be gossiping about someone behind their back, but I just couldn't stop thinking about it. I never met a person who can be so ... umm I don't even know the right word to describe this person. Maybe a self-centered person is the closest word to it. Anyway, I decided to write about this "anti social girl" in my class. I hope someday she realizes her mistakes and puts in some efforts to change her behavior. I'm sure that almost all of my friends know who this girl is. I won't mention her name, it's rude. Let's just call her X.

In the beginning of our 12th grade, things were going just fine. No conflicts, no enemies, no bad labeling, just 29 happy-XII-Social-1-girls. Until that incident around October 2008, which included me and some of my friends, and the most important one: her best friend. *I don't have to say it here because it always make me hate her more*. 

The conclusion of that incident is that I realized how selfish she was. And after that, everyone in my class turned their backs on her. But to my amazement, she didn't realize it. She acted normally, like nothing has ever happened, like she didn't care that everyone is slowly avoiding her. Gosh, even her best friend didn't want to be with her anymore!

I copy a post from her best friend's blog, it's titled "10 Things I Hate About You". This is the post:
1. you are way too selfish
2. you hope that people will treat you like the way your family treat you. hell we are your friends! suite yourself, princess!
3. you never care about anyone, all you care is yourself and your stuffs. it's sucks, really
4. you act like a princess but the fact is you are not a princess, so please just act like the normal one!
5. you are too obsessed with gossip girl's things or socialite's life, i don't know, maybe both
6. you are soooo ambitious and sometimes it makes me scared
7. you are very stubborn and i just can't tell you the right one when you go to the wrong way
8. you always expect for people's help, especially when you cannot do some things like English homework etc
9. have you ever fight for your own good? struggle for your dreams with your own ability? well, i guess you never.
10. do you ever apologize when you did something bad to people and you had realized that you are wrong? 

i don't know why, maybe you have to wash your brain and start for a new life. something is wrong with you and i just can't fix it. you have to fix it by yourself, it's a must for your own goods.
well, maybe you haven't realize what you have done to people around you especially your friends. just wait and see what will happen to you a couple years from now if you still act like those above.

It's not like I'm provoking all of you to hate X, but I'm only telling the truth. One of my friend said: "The first time you befriend with her, everything will be fine. But as the time passes by, she gets more selfish, and forces you to do something for her. She always asks for help but she doesn't want to help you if you have trouble, and finally you realize that she's not a good friend for you." I want to add this: she is a super annoying girl who only wants to befriend with the 'it-girls', not EVERYONE.

I really hope that someday (maybe now maybe later) she will change into a better person (Amen). Maybe you will say that it's difficult for people to change, I know that. And only to make things worse, my friends and I have never tried to talk to her and tell her what's wrong. It's our fault too that she becomes a person like that, but think about this: if you're in my position, what will you do? When you dislike someone, do you still want to chat with him/her?

The thing is, she has to wake up soon. She has to realize that after all this time, she isn't doing well in her social life even though her best friend said that she wants to be a part of socialite's life. She is an adult now (already 18) and I think she has to be able to solve her problems all by herself, not with other's help. 

Come on X, you're in social class, you should socialize with your friends, instead of doing something that make your friends hate you more. But it's your choice: make friends, or foes.



so jeje posted one of my imbecile photo to facebook, and she tagged almost everyone on her friend list. NO! +.+

unscientific experiment

gw iseng beli plastik mika warna warni, trus gw gunting dan gw tempel pake selotip di dpn lensa kamera gw. trus gw mulai foto" ga penting.



premis umum: kalo makannya ga bersih, suaminya nanti yg tipe brewokan
premis khusus: gw kalo makan ga bersih
kesimpulan: suami gw nanti yg bertipe brewokan
*AHAHA ini sekalian belajar buat TO Bhs Indonesia besok!*

bandingkan piring gw dengan piring papa. nanti suami gw brewok, istri papa ga brewok (ya iyalah! masa mama gw brewokan, aneh ih)


hey everyone, look!
I have a new haircut!

the old me:

 the new me:


beberapa hari ini kalo siang" langitnya biru terus

foto" ini gw ambil beberapa hari yang lalu




di antara putus asa dan semangat
di antara senang dan sedih
di antara penderitaan dan kemenangan
di antara bando dan iket rambut
di antara taksi dan angkot
di antara keramaian dan kesunyian
di antara ragu dan berani
di antara keterbatasan dan kebebasan
di antara berekspresi dan mati gaya
di antara sadar dan tidak sadar
di antara amatir dan profesional
di antara sedih kecewa dan bahagia
di antara gelap dan terang
di antara dingin dan panas
di antara panas dan superpanas
di antara bunga mawar dan bunga bangkai
di antara anggun dan imbisil
di antara menapak dan terbang
di antara basket dan satpam
di antara antagonis dan protagonis
di antara kering dan basah
di antara gundah dan lega
di antara bermodal dan kere
di antara capek dan penat
di antara saltum dan tidak


when the rain stops falling
oh, there will be a new day
there will be a new hope
that could bring happiness

sweep away your sadness
because i'm here for you
to be your summer day
that will always warm you

i promise i'll never leave you
from now on until forever
there's no more dark sky in your life
and even the rain could never hurt you again

release your wings
let the wind make you fly high
forget all of your restlessness
don't have to worry about anything

this is the time for you to revive again
it's a brand new day
because, the rain stopped falling

musik dan lirik ini dikarang oleh temen gw, DEBORA THEA, yang amat sangat berbakat dalam bidang musik. lagu ini juga menjadi theme song untuk misa XII IPS 2008-2009 yang bertemakan WHEN THE RAIN STOPS FALLING




I've got the best thing in the world
Coz' I got you in my heart
In this cruel little world
Let's hold hands together
We can share forever
Maybe someday the sky will be coloured with our love

I wake up in the morning
Feeling emptiness in my heart
This pain is just too real
I dream about,you with someone else
Please say that you love me
That we'll never be apart

You have to promise
That you will be faithful
And there will be lots and lots of love
It is the thing that really matters in this world...


lagunya superlucu, videoklipnya juga. jadi pengen nyanyi.



entah knapa, gw ga brasa ul umum. gw malas blajar, gw santai", gw buka facebook, gw main internet, gw smsan, gw ntn marvel, gw bc novel, dan gw masi smpt ngeblog lewat hape.

seharusny ulum ini jdi penentuan sukses atau gagal gw nanti di uan, tpi mau bgaimana lagi. gw ga kuat mnghadapi cobaan.. *alah bhs gw*

yah smoga aja gw mdapatkan pcerahan spy gw bs semangat belajar. trutama bljr geo dan kapsel buat besok! huff


ada apa dgn tape goreng? :) jdi begini, karena gw sangat ingin hidup mandiri waktu gw kuliah nanti, gw mmutuskan utk blajar masak. dimulai dri yg gampang" dulu, misalnya bkn tape goreng.

jdi kmarin siang, bknny blajar gw malah di dapur, minta diajarin ma mba gw gmn crny bkn tape goreng. awalny gw kira cuma tape dilapisin tepung trus lgsg goreng. trnyata ga, tpungny mesti dicampur dulu ma garem (biar enak), trus campur gula (biar manis), trus campur air, aduk" deh biar jdi adonan.

sblum msukin tape ke adonan, tapeny juga mesti dibelah dulu buat ngambil btg tnghny yg keras, yg ky di singkong itu loh (scr tape emang dri singkong). abis itu bru deh dimsukin ke adonan, trus digoreng. proses gorengny agak lama mnurut gw, bkn gw kpanasan gt haha.

stlah smua tape gw goreng, trnyata adonanny masi sisa. trus brhubung gw liat ada pisang, ya gw blg aja ma mba gw gmn kalo pisangny ikut digoreng juga. akhirny mba gw ambil 2 pisang, dipotong, trus gw goreng.

in the end, gw dpt TAPE DAN PISANG GORENG! HORE!

oiya, mba gw juga brpesan, kalo minyakny ud dipake bwat goreng tape, nanti pake lgny bwat tape juga. jgn abis tape trus goreng ikan. ktny nanti ikanny bs jdi manis gt rasanya.

hmm, jdi pengen bkn tempe goreng :)



dalam kurun waktu 1 bulan gw absen nulis di blog ini, ada banyak hal yang udah terlewatkan. yah emang sih, hal" yg uda gw alamin didominasi oleh ulangan-ulangan yang bikin tewas. bayangin, bisa seminggu full ulangan terus. jadi kaya MARATON ULANGAN. frik banget

tolong persilakan gw untuk membuka agenda biar gw inget apa aja yang uda terjadi..
9-15 feb: full ulangan, cuma hari kamis yang ngga.
16-22 feb: senen-rabu ulangan, kamis-sabtu bisa santai. trus sabtu 21 feb gw jeje dp nofi oye pergi nonton SM Coaching Clinic. sangat yahud! Jeje dpt tanda tangan+foto bareng weli, nofi bareng dodo, oye bareng bobby, dp brg bona. Bagaimana dgn gw? Yah, gw cukup dpt foto bareng dodo aja (yg lagi" kurang mepet).
23 feb: pergi nonton coaching clinicnya sm lagi, tpi brg dp ma herin, dan cuma bentar doang.
24 feb: ga berasa kalo uda mau misa. Latian nyanyi, dan untungnya dpt respon yg ckp baik. Trus siangnya gladi resik, dab lagi" gw banjir nonton visualisasi T.T
25 feb: dateng juga waktubya misa yg uda dipersiapkan selama sebulan ini. Banyak bgt tmn" ya nangis nonton visul, dan ternyata byk juga guru yg nangis hehe. Berasa seneng banget, dan gw juga brasa seneng bisa bantu main biola sebaik yg gw bisa.
28 feb: ijin ga masuk skul soalnya ada tes bhs inggris di uph. Mnurut gw tesnya susah, apalagi gramernya. Eh pake ada listening segala lagi..
1 mar: double combo nih, abis tes bhs ing, gw ikut simak ui di sman 82. Susah bet, parah banget, apalagi bwat gw yg kaga belajar.. Trus pulangnya pergi ke senci buat bli sour sally. Yahud!
5-6 mar: dihajar dgn byk ulangan. Hari kamis ada 3ul, jumat juga ada 3 ulangan. Untung gw ga jadi gila..

And the latest unforgettable moments...
Pada tgl 7 maret kemarin, gw bersama JA nofi dora dp dan caca berjalan" ke gading. Trus gw dora nofi dan JA makan
SUPER XTRA HOT RAMEN!! Kita ikut lombanya, trus disorakin gitu ma mas"nya. Asik juga. Dan kita semua berhasil loh makan kurang dari 20menit! Haha dasar anak sanur, makannya barbar semua.. Nah abis itu kita jalan", mampir ke stroberi soalnya bundo mau beli bando. Sekitar jam stg3 gitu, kita pisahan ma caca, nah kita naik taksi yg ceban ke sport mal. Kan ceritanya mau nonton coaching clinic nih, pdhl cuma mau liat pemain"nya yg ganteng ajah. Eh trnyata sampe sana pintu ke lap basletnya blum dibuka. Yowes kita jalan" dulu. Akhirnya kita foto" pake self timer, yg hasilnya sumpah gokil abis. Abis itu kita haus, beli minum dulu ke pujasera. Nah disana kt disamperin ama bapak" gitu yg nanya"in ttg foto, secara kita juga lg pegang slr sih.. Trus kita jawab" aja, walopun gw merasa aga" ga penting gitu. Abis itu gw menyelinap ke lapangan basket sm dan kita foto" gila disitu sampe puas! Pas kita uda mau selese, ada satpam gitu interogasi kita. Kira" begini..

Pak satpam (PS): dek, darimana nih?
Gw: (bingung mau jawab apa, sambil nengok ke nofi), dari mana?
Nofi: dari rumah pak..
Lainnya: iya pak dari rumah..
PS: uda ada ijin blum?
Gw: wah ijin apa ya pak?
PS: ijin pake tempat ini
Gw: ga ada tuh pak.. Ga boleh ya pak?
PS: ya ga boleh
Gw: oh yawda deh pak.

Pas kita lg beres", gw denger si pak satpamnya ngomong gini ke walkie-talkienya: positif,positif. Positif ada orang di sini.
Trus kita mikir, emang kita virus apa pake positif"an segala. Haah pokoknya sinting banget deh. Abis itu kita naek angkot balik lagi ke mal gading, di situ cuma nongkrong" ga jelas di food court, liatin org" lewat, ma komentarin org" ya sekiranya saltum haha. Abis itu kita naik taksi balik ke rumah gw. Dan berakhirlah petualangan gembel gading-sportmal-gading.

Oiya, jdi pas nongkrong di fudcourt itu kita juga sempet bikin puisi frik yg m'gambarkan keadaan kita hari itu. But I'll post it later! It's enough for now!