
currently listening to nouvelle vague. btw it means 'new wave' in french.

one of their songs is 'in a manner of speaking' which i really love to hear right now :)

In a Manner of speaking

I just want to say

That I could never forget the way

You told me everything

By saying nothing

In a manner of speaking

I don't understand

How love in silence becomes reprimand

But the way that i feel about you

Is beyond words

Oh give me the words

Give me the words

That tell me nothing

Ohohohoh give me the words

Give me the words

That tell me everything

In a manner of speaking

Semantics won't do

In this life that we live we only make do

And the way that we feel

Might have to be sacrified

So in a manner of speaking

I just want to say

That just like you I should find a way

To tell you everything

By saying nothing.

Oh give me the words

Give me the words

That tell me nothing

Ohohohoh give me the words

Give me the words

That tell me everything

Oh give me the words

Give me the words

That tell me nothing

Ohohohoh give me the words

Give me the words

That tell me everything



i really miss them
if i have one wish, i will ask a time machine so i can go back in the time when i was still in high school



mama: ndi, kamu ga siap"?

gw: hah? siap" ngapain? emang mau kemana?
mama: lah katanya kamu mau ke greja?

jeder.. gw pikun abis. tadi pagi gw yang ngomong sendiri kalo gw mau ke greja sore aja. eh sorenya malah gw lupa +.+
dasar manusia kurang beriman!



tadi gw abis pulang ukm nglewatin anak" yg lagi latian dance gitu. kan ada instrukturnya gitu dong, dia dengan semangat '45 (ngalahin bung karno) teriak "FIVE SIX SEVEN TEN!"

astaga! gw tiba" jadi pengen belajar bhs inggris dasar lagi deh. sejak kapan abis seven langsung jadi ten?? errr +.+'



it's been a while since the last post. well yeah, i've been busy. busy hanging out with friends and busy opening facebook or twitter account. haha, serious, i'm kinda busy recently.

uhum, males ah pake bahasa inggris, sok gaya gw..

jadi hari selasa itu hari yang paling penuh. jam 9 - 11 ada teori musik, 11 - 13.30 ada psikologi umum, 13.30 - 15.25 ada artistry. ga ada istiraha yang sejam gitu, jeda cuma 5 menit. astaga banget deh.

teori musiknya dahsyat abis, dalam 100 menit, bisa kebahas 3 macem hal yang berbeda gitu. cepet abis cui ngajarnya. minta ditimpuk pake buku teori yang segede" gajah itu..
artistry juga dahsyat banget. gurunya super pinter, sampe" gw cuma bisa bengong dengerin diaa ngomong. astaga, kalo pa robet jago mat, pa hari jago kapsel, bu nur jago ekonomet, bu tuti jago ekonomi, pa erick hidayat jago artistry. mati abis deh..

post yang rada ga penting, tpi tetep aja gw memilih untuk nulis. hidup ini hanya masalah pilihan bukan?